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For dog shows in the UK

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The best way to find events for your dog quickly.

  • Find UK dog shows and enter or wishlist them
  • See available shows by dog NewMore...
  • Get schedules and entry forms
  • Get show entry closing date alerts
  • Enter your dog's results
  • Use our powerful tools to manage your dog activities
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To find out how My Dog Shows can help you, please click the buttons below.

My Dog Shows provides show lists for Agility, Breed Showing and Hoopers and they are available to both free and paid subscription users. The lists are the same but the tools available differ. For example, if you have a subscription you can use the filter and search tools as well as enter your dogs into shows. This will queue your dog in the My Dog Shows Results system so that your dog automatically appears in the "Events Awaiting Results" once the show date has arrived. You will also be taken directly to the show processor to pay for your dog's entry into the show. My Dog Shows does not charge for this. You will also have access to tools that tell you age and season information for all your active dogs on the date of the show you're looking at to flag up any potential problems.

You also get access to free content including:
Education and Seminars

Education and seminar events are available to all registered users with or without a subscription.

Grooming Competitions

Grooming Competitions are also available to all whether or not you have a subscription.

My Dog Shows Videos

Because My Dog Shows is a new, from scratch website, we are adding videos as we go to help users with our developing services.

Full Archive

All dog shows and events move automatically into our archive once they have taken place and you can search for old shows and add them to your entered events if you would like to include your results for your own personal archive.

Personal Archive

Your own personal archive of all the shows you've entered and events you've attended is provided. You can search and sort the events in here and also view and edit your dog's results, such as adding a critique.

My Dogs Info

This gives you quick access to summary info on your dogs including: current age, tickets, events entered and dog details.

And, you get somewhere to store your results:

My Results

Here you can see all your results in one place and there are powerful search tools included to help you find exactly what you're looking for.


If you are a newbie, there are plenty of resources to help you get started.