Shows By Dog

Find shows your dog can enter

How good would it be if you could select your dog by name and magically a list of shows would appear that your dog is eligible to enter? Would that be the best time-saving tool ever for dog show enthusiasts? We thought so and so we built it and added it to the growing feature set of My Dog Shows.

Dog At Show

How does it work?

First of all you will need a current subscription, then all you need to do is add your dog or dogs and then go to the Shows By Dog page (in Available Events), select your dog's name and stand back in amazement as all the time spent trawling through schedules is reduced to a few milliseconds and there you have before you a shortlist of shows your dog is eligible to enter.

Shows By Dog - Select A Dog

But that's not all. You have three options for the list of shows generated:

  • All Available All the shows we have which your dog is eligible to enter.
  • Breed And Group Only shows which have classes for your dog's breed or group.
  • Breed Only Only shows which have classes for your dog's specific breed.
Shows By Dog - Options

And voila!

Shows By Dog

You will have all the tools you need to enter or wishlist shows for the activity you have subscribed to.

Shows By Dog - More

Shows from all activities will be in the list but you will only have full tools for your subscription.

Shows By Dog - For Subscribed Activity