What Is My Dog Shows?

My Dog Shows is a new website developed by dog show enthusiasts who were frustrated at the amount of time and effort needed to find dog shows to enter, only to discover the closing date had been missed. So we put our heads together and came up with My Dog Shows with the main intention of putting as much useful stuff as possible in one place to make life easier and minimise the risk of missing out.

Dog At Show

My Dog Shows is a control centre for your dog events.

Main Menu

It gives you access to available dog events by activity or by dog:

Available Events

You can quickly find what you're interested in by activity and further refine the results by using our search tools if necessary. You can even search New Events Only to avoid trawling through long lists of events you've already seen.

Available Events Breed Showing Search

If you prefer, you can search for shows available to your specific dog or dogs by selecting them from a list. This can save you a lot of time and effort reading through schedules to discover what shows your dog can enter.

Shows By Dog - Select A Dog

There are further options to help you find what you want.

Shows By Dog - Options

Our Age/Season Calculator will tell you the ages of all your current Dogs as well as alert you to any potential season clashes at the time of the event.

Age/Season Calculator

Once you've found an event you're interested in, you can add it to your Wishlist or go ahead and enter it from here.

Shows By Dog - More

You have options to enter online, by post or just mark an event as entered if you have already entered it.

Available Events - Enter This Event Options

You can manage your events in My Events and, with our traffic light system,

Dog Shoe Traffic Lights System

you can see at a glance what's coming up. This changes every day so you are always kept up to date.

Available Events Breed Shows

When deciding whether or not to enter an event or when travelling to an event, you can pull up a convenient Google Map of its location from the Event Info:

Dog Show Venue Map

Once you have been to an event, you can enter your results into that event in My Dog Shows so you can quickly see all your results in one place,

My dog show results

or search for specific results, for example, by dog.

My dog show results search tools

It is free to Register or simply login with Facebook if you are a Facebook user.